Frequently Asked Questions

What the heck is a Skigit?

A Skigit (pronounced ski'jit) is a member created video story of 45 seconds or less about something, someone or someplace  awesome that has special and positive meaning to you.

How long can my Skigit be?

Thirty (30) seconds or 100MB maximum with no limit on the short end, except that it must run T>0 in the 3rd dimension. However, YouTube uploads can be any length you choose just note, you won't be able to see them in higher dimensions :-). We recommend no more that 20 seconds to keep your audience's attention

Is there any limit to how many Skigits I can create?

No. You can can create as many Skigits as you wish.

In which video formats can I create my Skigit?

Reference the Video Formats page located within the Guidelines page located in the "Other Things" drop down menu at the top of each page

Why should I choose to display the logo of my product?  

By sharing the maker logo for your awesome thing, you are creating a personal and emotional connection between you, the maker of your awesome thing and your viewers. Don't forget, you can help others by choosing to donate your Sperk to a favorite cause.

Can I share my Skigit with friends on other sites?

Absolutely! You can post and share any Skigit to other websites. If you prefer, you can even email them to family and friends. Heck, why not do all three!   

What does it mean to plug-in to a Skigit and what does it really do?      

By plugging into a Skigits, you are connecting with other members on a personal and perhaps an emotional level to form a group which ultimately, creates a Superskigit! Viewers can view your Skigit and follow the connected Skigits to get even more insight into your awesome thing. How cool is that!

For additional guidance, reference the Guidelines page on the menu tab located at the top of your page.

What happens if I Plug a Skigit and the Primary Skigit gets deleted?

If a Primary Skigit gets deleted, by default, you automatically plug-in to the Plug-in Skigit that was posted prior to yours. It now becomes the new Primary Skigit. You'll receive a notification and will have the option to delete that plug-in connection on your Skigits I Plugged Into page.