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Copyright Complaint Submission | Learn More About Copyright | Privacy and Security | Login and Password | Two-factor authentication | Who can send you a friend request? | Blocking Users and Reporting Inappropriate Content | Your Skigit Account | Your Main Profile | Friending | Unfriending | Notifications | Deleting your Account | Minor Safety | Ways to Help Your Teen use Skigit | Report a Skigit you want removed | Why a Skigit of your child might be removed | We worked with ConnectSafely.org to get answers | Advice for Parents | Still can’t find what you’re looking for?

Copyright Complaint Submission

Copyright is a legal right that protects original works of authorship, such as film, music, books and art. This form is to be used only for reporting alleged infringements of your copyright. Please note that any other types of claims will not be addressed through this form. Abuse of this form may result in the termination of your account. These articles provide information about copyrights, including how you can protect your own copyrighted works and avoid infringing the copyrights of others. We also provide information about how Skigit addresses reported copyright infringement. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can report it by filling out this form. Laws in different countries may vary. For more information on copyright law, you can visit the website of the U.S. Copyright Office or the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Skigit can’t provide you with legal advice, so you may want to speak with an attorney if you have more questions about copyright.

Learn More About Copyright

What is copyright and what does it protect?

In most countries, copyright is a legal right that protects original works of authorship. Typically, if you create an original work, you have a copyright from the moment you create it.

Copyright covers a wide variety of types of works, including:

  • Visual or audiovisual works: videos, movies, TV shows and broadcasts, video games, paintings, photographs
  • Audio works: songs, musical compositions, sound recordings, spoken word recordings
  • Literary works: books, plays, manuscripts, articles, musical scores

  • Please note, only an original work is eligible for copyright protection. To be original enough for copyright protection, a work needs to be created by the author themselves and have some minimal amount of creativity.

    Generally, names, titles, slogans or short phrases aren't considered to be original enough to qualify for copyright protection. For example, the symbol "+" is likely not subject to copyright, but a painting full of shapes and colors arranged in a unique pattern is likely protected by copyright.

    Copyright generally doesn’t protect facts or ideas, but it may protect the original words or images that express a fact or idea. This means that you may be able to express the same idea or fact as another author, as long as you don’t copy that author’s way of expressing that idea or fact. For example, a playwright may not be able to copyright the idea of a man waking up to repeat the same day over and over again, but the script for a play or movie expressing that idea could be subject to copyright.

    How do I know if I own the copyright in a work?

    In general, the person who creates an original work owns the copyright. For example, if you create a painting, you likely own the copyright in that painting. Similarly, if you take a photo, you likely own the copyright in that photo.

    There may be situations where you might think you have a copyright in an original work, but you may not. For example:

  • If you appear in a photo or video, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a copyright in that photo or video (learn more about what to do If you think a photo or video on Skigit might violate your privacy.)
  • If you take a photograph of a sculpture, that doesn’t mean you have the right to prevent someone else from also taking a photograph of the same sculpture.
  • If you create a work as part of your regular job responsibilities, you might not be the owner of the copyright in that work. Instead, there are circumstances where the law will consider your employer to be the "author" of that work for copyright purposes.
  • If you’re not sure about the extent of your copyright in an original work, you may want to contact an attorney to advise you on your rights.

  • What rights do I have as a copyright owner?

    As a copyright owner, you have certain rights under the law. These include the right to stop others from copying or distributing your work, or from creating new works based on your work. Copyright infringement generally occurs when a person engages in one of these activities without the copyright owner’s permission.

    If you own a copyright, you have the right to grant permission to use your copyrighted work as well as the right to prevent other people from using your copyrighted work without permission.

    How long does copyright protection last?

    Copyright protection doesn’t last forever. Eventually, a work loses copyright protection and becomes part of the "public domain." Once a work is in the public domain, it’s freely available for anyone to use.

    A central purpose of copyright law is to encourage people to make creative works. For this reason, the public domain ensures copyright owners obtain certain rights only for a limited amount of time. This balance between copyright law and the public domain gives the author an incentive to create, but also gives other people the ability to use the work without permission after the copyright expires.

    There are many factors that determine when a work becomes part of the public domain. Some of these factors include when and where the work was first published, the type of work and the publisher. For example, the Berne Convention, an international treaty about copyright, states that the copyright for most types of works must last at least 50 years after the author’s death. Countries, however, are free to set longer copyright terms within their own laws.

    What is the difference between copyright and trademark?

    The law in most countries recognizes copyrights as well as trademarks. Copyright law and trademark law serve two different purposes.

    Copyright is meant to foster creativity and to provide incentives to create original works of authorship for the benefit of the public. Copyright protects original works like photos, videos, movies and music. It’s also important to note that, in the U.S., the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) applies only to copyrights and doesn’t apply to trademarks.

    Trademark law is meant to prevent consumer harm because it prohibits someone other than the rights owner from using a trademark (for example, a brand’s logo) in a way that may confuse consumers. Trademark law protects brand names, slogans, logos or other symbols that help consumers identify the source of goods or services.

    Pivacy and Security

    Settings in Privacy and Security can only be managed from your main profile, which is the first profile you create when you sign up for Skigit. Please switch to your main profile to manage your settings for.

  • Password Reset
  • Two Factor Authentication
  • Friend Request Privacy
  • Blocked Users

  • Login and Password

    If you have a Skigit account and can't log in, try to reset your password. Learn what to do if you think your Skigit account has been hacked.

    If you don’t have a Skigit account, learn how to sign up.

    If you’re still having problems, then try these tips.

    Check that your mobile number is correct

    Make sure to enter your entire mobile phone number, including the country code.

    Leave out any extra zeros, plus signs (+) or other special characters.

    Try to regain access your email account

    If you signed up for Skigit using an email address but you can no longer access the email account, you can try contacting your email service provider to recover your email account.

    To get started, check your email sign in screen for an option such as Trouble signing in? or Forgot password?

    If you regain access to your email, you can finish the steps to reset your password.

    Two-factor authentication

    Two-factor authentication is a security feature that helps protect your Skigit account and your password. If you set up two-factor authentication, you’ll be asked to enter a special login code or confirm your login attempt each time someone tries accessing Skigit from a browser or mobile device we don’t recognize. You can also get alerts when someone tries logging in from a browser or mobile device we don't recognize.

    You have two options for your setup. You can choose to receive your on-time-passcode (OTP) via email, SMS text messaging or both.

    Who can send you a friend request?

    Visit our Privacy settings to can choose to receive friend request from everyone or limit those users by selecting "friend of friends".

    Blocking Users and Reporting Inappropriate Content

    When you block someone’s profile on Skigit, that profile will no longer be able to do things such as video content, your profile or see things you post on your profile.

    You can find the Block Profile feature within our Inappropriate Skigit feature by clicking the "flag" icon located on the Skigit detail page on our website or in our mobile apps.

    The best way to report abusive content or spam on Skigit is by using this feature within the content itself. We strongly encourage you to report content that you find to be

  • violent
  • politically inflammatory
  • hateful or abusive
  • attacks on groups or an individual
  • actively promoting self-harm
  • depicting nudity or pornography
  • spam

  • Visitors do not have the ability to report abuse through our site features but can email us at support@skigit.com. We will review your request and make every effort to evaluate the content against our Acceptable Use Policy

    You have to create a Skigit account in order to use Skigit. Your account is where you’ll enter information about yourself like the name you go by in everyday life, email, mobile phone number, date of birth and gender (optional). You may be asked to confirm that this name is the name you’re known by.

    Create a password to log into your account and access your main profile.

    Block a Skigit profile to prevent someone from following you, messaging you, see your profile or interacting with your Skigits. No one will ever receive a notification that you've blocked or unblocked them. They'll only be alerted if they try to follow you or interact with your Skigits. Both you and the person blocked will not be able to view each other's Skigits. You always have the ability to unblock users through your Privacy and Securty setting in your profile page.

    To Block a Creator:

    • Click the flag icon underneath the Creator video.

    • Select "Block User".

    • Click the Submit button.

    • The user will remain blocked until such time you decide to unblock, is you so choose.

    To Unblock a Creator:

    • Click on the down arrow beneath your user profile image in the header block.

    • Select "Profile and Ssettings".

    • Select "Privacy and Security" from the left-side profile submenu.

    • Navigate to the Blocked User section and move the slider button to the left.

    Your Skigit Account

    You have to create a Skigit account in order to use Skigit. Your account is where you’ll enter information about yourself like the name you go by in everyday life, email, mobile phone number, date of birth and gender (optional). You may be asked to confirm that this name is the name you’re known by.

    Create a password to log into your account and access your main profile.

    Your Main Profile

    Your main profile is the profile you create when you sign up for a Skigit account. Your main profile is required and can only be deleted if you delete your Skigit account. Your main profile must be active in order to create and use Skigit and all of its glorious features.

    This profile represents you on Skigit and is a place where you can share information about yourself (example: your interests, photos, videos, current city and hometown). It’s also where you’ll:

    Use the name you go by in everyday life.

    Manage certain settings like how people can find and contact you using your contact information.

    Access Pages that you manage as an admin.

    Manage your account settings such as:

  • Account information: Your contact information, language preferences, payment information and other general information about your account.
  • Manage the notifications settings to select which notifications to receive.
  • Delete or deactivate your Skigit account. Deleting or deactivating your account will also delete or deactive your profile managed by that account. Learn more about deactivating or deleting your account.

  • Friending

    Friending on Skigit helps you stay connected with people you care about. Adding a friend means you may see each other’s activity in Feed, Stories and Photos.

    When you want to add a friend on Skigit, keep in mind:

  • You should send friend requests to people you know and trust. Add a friend by searching for them using your Invite Friends feature.
  • You can control who can friend and follow you by accepting or rejecting friend requests.
  • If you don’t want someone to see you on Skigit, you can block them.

  • If you'd like to see updates from people you find interesting but don't know personally, like a journalist or celebrity, try following them instead. If you're getting unwanted or inappropriate friend requests, you can report the account


    The profile you unfriended won't be notified. If you don’t want someone to see your profile or you find their behavior or content objectional in any way, you can block their profile.

    Note: If you unfriend someone’s profile, you’ll also be removed from that profile’s friends list. If you want to be friends with this profile again, you’ll need to add them as a friend again.

  • You should send friend requests to people you know and trust. Add a friend by searching for them using our Invite Friends feature.
  • You can control who can friend and follow you by accepting or rejecting friend requests.
  • If you don’t want someone to see you on Skigit, you can block them.

  • Notifications

    Notifications are updates about activity on Skigit. You can go to your notifications settings to change what you’re notified about and how you’re notified.

    Notifications are received in the Notifications drop-down display accessible by clicking the Notifications icon in the member section of the header menu.

    You can turn notifications on or off for the various types of notifications and this page is accessible through your member profile at Notification Settings..

    Deleting your Account

    When you delete your Skigit account, you won’t be able to login and use Skigit. It may take up to 30 days for your account data to be deleted.

    Some of your information may require you to delete it separately.

    Skigit may still retain certain data to comply with local laws, such as sales receipts to comply with local tax laws.

    Please keep in mind that once your account has been deleted you won't be able to reactivate it or retrieve anything you’ve added, including:

  • Skigit video content
  • Friend connections
  • Notifications
  • Any history of interactions with other users.
  • Any other content you created on Skigit.
  • You also will no longer be able to use our mobile apps and you will no longer appear on Skigit statistic pages.

  • Minor Safety

    We work hard to help keep people on Skigit safe. For minors, we’ve designed many of our features to remind them of who they're sharing with.

    For example, we provide minors with specific education about what it means to post publicly. We also protect sensitive information, such as minors’ contact info, school and birthday, from appearing in search to a public audience. Additionally, we take steps to remind minors that they should only accept friend requests from people they know.

    If you're concerned about your teen’s safety on Skigit, you can read our safety resources for parents.

    Ways to Help Your Teen use Skigit

    Depending on your child’s age, you might go through their account settings together to make selections you’re both comfortable with. No matter how old your child is, we recommend that you make using Skigit responsibly part of an ongoing conversation about the internet and technology. Talk about your expectations, about how they’ll behave online and help them understand what’s safe. Be sure your teen understands these basic examples of internet safety:

  • Never share your password.
  • Think before you post.
  • Only accept friend requests from people you know personally.
  • Report anything that looks suspicious.
  • Control who can friend and follow you on Skigit.

  • Report a Skigit you want removed

    If the video violates our Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy and Privacy Policy, report this video using our Inappropriate Skigit feature so we can investigate it and remove it necessary.

    If you believe a video violates your child’s privacy, please review our information on image privacy violations.

    Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to register for a Skigit account. If your child is between 13 and 17 years old, while we understand your concern as a parent, unfortunately we can’t take action on behalf of your child if they are over 13, unless they are mentally or physically unable to report this to us themselves. We encourage you to talk to your teen about this issue and help them submit their own request to have this content removed. Account holders can submit additional requests directly at support@skigit.com.

    Why a Skigit of your child might be removed

    We know and appreciate that many parents share videos of their children on Skigit with good intentions, but images showing nudity may be removed if they don't follow our Community Standards. These standards help keep Skigit a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

    Keep in mind that we may also remove these types of images to help avoid the possibility of other people using them in inappropriate ways.

    We worked with ConnectSafely.org on the following answers

    If someone is threatening to share personal information about your child (asking for money or anything else), you have options. Here’s what you can do:

  • Report this to local law enforcement.
  • Report this person to us. Sharing or threatening to share intimate images goes against our Community Standards.
  • Only accept friend requests from people you know personally.
  • Ask your child to block this person. Depending on your privacy settings, people on Skigit can see a list of your Skigit friends. Once you block someone, they no longer have access to your friend list and won't be able to start conversations with you or see things you post on your profile.
  • Advice For Parents

    Even when they’re being threatened, young people are often reluctant to tell trusted adults about sensitive issues. Often, they’re afraid or confused about what might happen next. They worry that by speaking up they could make their situation much worse – they could be judged, disciplined, made an example of or publicly criticized by adults.

    There is nothing more effective than letting your children know – often and in different ways – that you are there for them no matter what and will respectfully help them work through the issue with each step you take together.

    If your child is being threatened, you may need to gather more information about the situation. Get the whole story from your child’s perspective, and then talk to people you both trust to fill in gaps. A legal adviser or victim advocate can help you gather evidence that can be used in a legal case or to get a restraining order, if necessary.

    Still can’t find what you’re looking for?

    We're here 24/7/365 and will make every attempt to address all concerns in the most expeditious manner possible. If you can’t locate any guidance we may have failed to address here, please email our support team at support@skigit.com

    Please include the following Subject:

  • Help Center Support Request

  • In the email body, include:

  • your full name
  • your username
  • your email address
  • specific details of the conern with enough information to help us provide you with an immediate solution.

  • Thank you and we look forward to serving you!

    Skigit Support Team